
What is AYUSH? List of AYUSH Companies

What is Ayush? Ayush word is made-up by combining first letter of Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy. AYUSH word is used for indicating Ayurveda, Yoga & Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha and Homeopathy system of medicines. What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is considered by many scholars to be the oldest healing science. In Sanskrit, Ayurveda means ā€œThe Science of Life.ā€ Ayurvedic knowledge originated in India more than 5,000 years ago and is often called the ā€œMother of All Healing.ā€ Itā€™s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. As per ayurveda, Itā€™s based on the belief that health and wellness depend on a delicate balance between the mind, body, and spirit. In countries beyond India, Ayurvedic therapies and practices have been integrated in general wellness applications and in some cases in medical use. What is Yoga and Naturopathy? Yoga is a group of physical, mental, and spiritual practices or disciplines which orig...

Spirulina : A Power Food

Spirulina is an aquatic plant and is known all over the world as super food. It has more nutrients than any other food, it contains more nutrients than cereals, herbs or even meat. In fact, it is the most important source of essential vitamins and minerals (much more than meat, eggs, pulses, soy beans etc.). Benefits of Spirulina: Capacity of handling pressure is controls by cholesterol and blood sugar. It provides all nutrition for active children. It is very useful for controlling weight without calories. Provides Healthy and shiny skin. It provides benefits in many type of skin diseases without any side effects. It is a positive nutrient balance of nutrients like proteins, carbohydrate, fiber, vitamins, iron etc. Prevents eye diseases due to Vitamin A deficiency. Each capsule of spirulina have the following nutrients: It contains Protein, Calcium, Magnesium and Essential Mineral, Vitamins, Vitamin B Complex, necessary nutritional supplement for children. To eliminate the pro...

Health Benefits of Garlic

Garlic is not only a home used item, but it is also a potent medicine. He has the qualities and properties of preventing heart disease, colds, flu, blood pressure, cancer. Let's know about the properties of garlic: Health Benefits of Garlic Garlic rich with medicinal properties does not only enhance the flavor of food, but is also very good for health. It contains proteins, vitamins, minerals, salts and phosphorus, iron and vitamin A, B and C in abundance. Garlic consumption increases the body's immune system . At the same time garlic has an antibiotic called Alicin, which prevents many diseases. Prevent cancer: Due to regular consumption of garlic, the risk of getting cancer is very low. According to a report, eating five buds of garlic every week reduces the risk of cancer by 30 to 40 percent. One of the properties of garlic is that it enhances immune power. Extremely beneficial for the heart: Garlic is also very beneficial in removing hypertension . The elements pr...

Avoid these Seven Habit after meal to stay healthy

Life style has deep effect at our body. Irregular daily routine and eating habits can cause many diseases in the body. That is why Ayurveda recognizes that regular routine make age longer. There are some works that make the digestion process faster and food gets digested quickly. Contrary to this, there are some works that slow down the digestive tract and many diseases occurs to the body. According to Ayurveda, there are some things that should not eat immediately after eating, let's know it: Do not eat fruit:  You must have heard that fruits should be eaten after meal, but these truths are known to very few people that fruits and vegetables are not beneficial in both situations before and after eating. Fruit after food can harm the body. Eating fruit immediately after eating can cause gas problems. Avoid sleeping:  Most people get lazy after eating. In this way, they prefer to sleep, but soon after eating, sleep is very harmful to the body. The food doesn't properly d...

Get Glowing Skin with your Kitchen (Home remedies for Glowing Skin)

Some Best Beauty Tips: To remove facial scars and heat spots , mix turmeric and black sesame seeds in equal quantity and make a paste and put them on the face.  Applying turmeric-milk paste makes the color of the skin shine and refreshed face. Mix turmeric powder, almond powder and curd. Apply on the affected area due to sunburn. The color of the skin disappears and the black skin due to sunburn will also be cured. It works like a sunscreen lotion in a way. Applying raw potato juice at the body is beneficial to burnt, wrinkles and other skin diseases. Grind the potatoes and grind them on the skin. The color will be blond. Coat a thin fold of honey on the face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes, then remove it with cotton. Use with adding 4-5 drops of lemon in honey at oily skin. Grind four or five Neem leaves, mix them in mulatani soil. Apply at skin. Wash with hot water after drying. Mixing almonds, gram flour, carrot juice in milk, and applying it like paste. It gives the ...

Home Remedies for Deafness

Today we talk about running ear: If you are able to listen the joy of every happiness of the world, its due to your hearing power. Think about persons who are unable to listen or lack of hearing power. What will be their life? If you do not hear it, then it is possible that you can't tell. You can tell only if you can hear. We can only guess, but whoever knows the actual pain of persons who can't hear any thing. Ear is a very delicate part of our body. If our body is suffering from slight pain , then the patient feels agonized. Causes of the pain in the ear may have many reasons. One Reason is mental weakness. Second, excessive coughing or person has cold problem or any infection. Liquid start to enter into ear cavity and problem arises. Problems like running ear, deafness, lack of hearing power etc has started. Use following home remedy to treat ear problem. You can make oil from following remedy: Take 200 grams of mustard oil and add 10 grams of garlic and 20 gram...

Interesting Facts about Human Body

Many people claim that they know all the things about the human body, but we are going to tell you about such truths of the human body which you probably will not know about and you will be surprised by reading it. : There are 40 hair loss in men in one day, while 70 hair loss in women. Our body contains same salt concentration as it is found in the ocean. In the morning, your height is higher than in the night. The heart circulates blood in your body 1000 times a day. The main reason for having an infection in the feet is excessive consumption of excessive salt. There are 500 hair in one eyebrow. There are approximately 100 billion nerve cells in the human body. Raw food is digested faster than it is cooked. Bones are 4 times stronger than concrete. The average age of taste buds is 10 days. You are born without the bones of the knee and it remains the same for 2 to 6 years. Children grow fast in the spring season. When you were born, you have 300 bones, but when you ...